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Thursday, August 4, 2011


The Nerf VORTEX Series is finally here! Once I get them, I will write a review.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Recently, I have been wanting to produce some Techno and Dubstep songs. Im working with FL studio and z3ta+, but i want some more programs. anybody know of any FREE programs i could use?

Monday, May 30, 2011


Recently I made a COD MW2 clan called the Tactical Assault Recon (or TAR). im taking COD to the next level by trying to introduce a clan that utilizes a tactical style of gameplay. if you want in, PM me on Xbox LIVE- the name is Ivel48

I have also been on a Little Big Planet rave, but i can get on my PSN account. I have a PSP and not a PS3, so I have no idea what to do. Comment if you know what to do or if you experienced it.

I played Sticks and Stones on Black Ops the other day, and I kept on getting humiliated and bankrupt and it F**KING SUCKED

Minecraft, anyone? Well, the Sony Ericsson Xperia Play will "Supposedly" play MINECRAFT!!!! HOW CAN A PHONE EVEN RUN THAT???

BOOM! headshot

the NGP is going to be EPIC

a Minecraft Texture Packs guide will be released soon, with a tutorial video on how to acquire and apply them as well!

Wanna know how old i am? add me as a friend on Xbox LIVE!!! NOW!!!

That is All

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Brink Review

Brink is a First Person Shooter game with a Free Running (Parkour) aspect. Brink is a game set in the future on a man-made island called "The Ark". It started off as a thriving place until it was cut off from the rest of the world. Now, people are sick and dying because of the lack of supplies.

You can choose to join the Revolution, who want to escape The Ark to go to the outside world, or the Security, who want to prevent the Revolution from escaping. Each of the teams have the same weapons,
weapon attachments, and perks. The only thing different is the kind of outfits, masks, and hair.

There are 3 different body types- Light, Medium, and Heavy. Light body types have the lowest amount of health and can only use SMG's as their primary and only a pistol as their secondary. Light people can climb higher walls, vault obstacles faster, run faster, slide further, and also perform wall jumps.
Medium body types have a basic amount of health and can use AR's, a Shotgun, a Grenade launcher, or an SMG as their primary and a SMG or a pistol as their secondary. They can only perform basic vaults, wall climbs, and slides; no wall jumps.
Heavy body types have the most amount of health and can use all of the Heavy guns as primary, including      a Minigun, a Full-auto grenade launcher, and a very powerful Shotgun. For their side arm, they can use AR's, SMG's, pistols, a shotgun, or a grenade launcher. Heavy people are the slowest of the 3 and can only vault lower objects and climb low walls.

There are 4 different classes- Soldier, Medic, Engineer, and Operative. If you have ever played Team Fortress 2,  you know what these classes are like. Also, there are many abilities that only a certain class can hold. For example, the Soldier class can have an ability much like "Scavenger" from Call of Duty. Although, I have found the perk useless because if you are a Soldier, you can already refill your own ammo.
The Soldier class refills their team mates (and their own) ammo and can plant HE (High Explosive) charges at the objective. The Soldier class's special weapon is a Molotov Cocktail, which dishes out splash damage with its large blast radius. You can also get an upgrade that lets you carry flashbang grenades that blind and deafen the enemy.
The Medic class buffs the health of team mates and can throw revive syringes to incapacitated team mates. The Medic class can also boost adrenaline, boost speed, and even use the Lazarus Grenade, which is an experimental grenade that revives all downed team mates inside the radius.
The Engineer class buffs the power of guns for their team mates and disables HE Charges and Hackbox's. The Engineer can also distribute extra Kevlar, set landmines, and and place Turrets.
The Operative class hacks objectives with the Hackbox. Also, an Operative can disguise themselves as a fallen enemy. The disguise is lost when an operative starts a hack, takes the objective, fires their gun, or is spotted by the person he is disguised as. Operatives can also hack turrets, spot hidden landmines, and use the EMP grenade, which basically puts all electronics offline.

Quick Summary- a Fast-Paced FPS that involves a lot of skill, patience, well-aimed shots, and TEAMWORK

Rating- 9.5/10- The only thing I don't like about this game is the AI. It sometimes seems as if you have to lead your team. Sometimes, when you need your teammates the most, they aren't there. Also, the Online is really laggy and glitchy. Yet, the beautiful feel of the smooth but also intense gameplay makes up for it.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Recon CS-6 Review

The Recon. This gun (without the barrel extension and stock) is the smallest of the Clip System guns. It stands as a decent side arm or even a primary if you are having a Close-Quarters battle. But its use as a primary is not recommended, for its inconsistent ranges and top cocking mechanism which makes it awkward to cock while the gun is mounted at your shoulder. Its a good indoor gun for the most part.

The only huge problem about this gun is the fact that if you don't use fresh darts or try to cock the gun too fast, it will jam. The jam door is too small to even use, so if a jam ever occurs, you will have to remove the clip and dig it out through the mag well.

The real good thing about the clip system guns is the high ammo capacity. Imagine having a 50 round double-drum mag (Comes with a special Stampede deal) in this gun. you would never run out of ammo! Also, the stock holds an extra 6 round clip, so you can hold EVEN MORE AMMO!!!!!!!

Unmodified Rating- 4/10 This gun shoots anywhere from 15 feet to even 30 feet. The mobility is far better than any other Clip System. The fact that it is Clip System gun, the fast reload speed (just drop the clip and put another one in), and the attachments are really the only good things about this gun if you don't mod.

Modified Rating- 6/10. This gun isn't all that bad. You can get up to 40+ feet from this gun, and even single it. (Not recommended. If you want a gun to single, look at the Longshot- look at my full review!)